Featured Books and chapters
Easy was hard enough: A family experience of neurodegenerative dementia. Pennsylvania: Offset Paperback and electronically published on University of Pennsylvania Memory Disorders Clinic website (2003).
Kent, E., Longacre, M.L., Wen-Ying, & C., & Mollica, M. (2019). Who are informal caregivers (Chapter 1).
Buzaglo, J.S., Zaleta, A.K., Longacre, M.L., & Golant, M. (2019). Delivery of support to caregivers in the community: Cancer Support Community mission, integration of research, and service dissemination (Chapter 15). |
featured Reports (contributor)
Hunt, G., Longacre, M.L., Kent, E., Weber-Raley, L. (2016). Cancer caregiving in the U.S.: an intense, episodic, and challenging care experience. National Alliance for Caregiving Report in collaboration with Cancer Support Community and National Cancer Institute.
The National Alliance for Caregiving (NAC) in partnership with Caring Across Generations (2019) report, Burning the Candle at Both Ends: Sandwich Generation Caregiving in the U.S. Academic advisory committee member, which included reviewing findings and providing commentary on the report (see p. 26).